Tuesday, May 03, 2005

race part iv - the epilogue

favors for favors. . . tom delay has taken luxurious trips to golf in scotland, et. al. it seems some of these have been paid for by a republican lobbyist named jack abramoff. delay contributed $15,000 to the campaign of melissa hart who came to represent the 4th district of pennsylvania. abramoff hosted a fundraising dinner for hart's campaign at a restaurant he owns. delay is about to place hart as the chair of the ethics committee which is about to look into his affairs. favors for favors?

read all about this at http://www.jackinthehouse.org/ or check out the organization crew, citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington at http://www.citizensforethics.org/.

abramoff referred to the native americans he was defrauding of large sums of money as "monkeys," "troglodytes," and "idiots." (here's merriam webster's definition of troglodyte, by the way: "1 : a member of a primitive people dwelling in caves 2 : a person resembling a troglodyte (as in reclusive habits or outmoded or reactionary attitudes)"

so what's this got to do with race? well, i think it's interesting that three guys started out talking about race but never came near reaching any sort of concensus or agreement about anything. (in fact, i think we did agree about things at times but. . .)

my original hypothesis was that race tends to act as a diversion and a division. i think for those who are trying like hell to hang onto their money and make more and pass it down to the next generation, they're only too happy to have people invest their lives and souls, (and of course, their lettuce, cabbage, geetus, & greenbacks,) into the issue that is race and race relations.

if you go to that website and you read about this creep; jack abramoff, you will come to understand that cash is his god. my dad used to say that everybody has their god, even atheists. for some it was their christian god with allhis glorious attributes but for others, (he would say,) it might be their porsche or their youthful looks or their tv or their bon-bons or their incessant gossiping. it could be a person place or thing, or it could be as inanimate or esoteric as imagineable, but everyone has that thing that sort of propels them through their life and without which, i guess they would be a heaping mass of confusion.

so when abramoff refers to the native american tribes with epithets, one can read between the lines and see that this guy not only worships and lives for money, he looks down his nose at those who do not think as he does. creep.

it may be that i'm finally disappointed about this dialogue which has occurred on these blogs. it is stimulating but alas, i am beginning to see us as the unwitting participants in this diversionary tactic in the class warfare that is race. it's true, i do not have to walk around every day in white america as a black man, enduring the smirks (and much more,) of a confederacy of dunces and perhaps if i did, i'd feel differently. maybe i'd be so fed up with it, railing against it would be all that restrains me from going postal on a local nordstrom's?

as it is, i find those who would separate themselves from the mass of humanity by accumulating wealth so they can live in the gated community on the hillside, (i see you creeps in arcadia trying to horde the gorgeous view from your gated community,) (please read this if you love righteous activism: http://heavytrash.blogspot.com/2005/04/april-24-2005-for-immediate.html) so they can feel superior to their neighbors, so they won't feel so insecure. . .far more offensive.

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