Tuesday, September 30, 2008

start a new country up

rem's cuyahoga unplugged

i read this piece on a blog this morning and immediately thought of a line from rem's cuyahoga, (off of 'life's rich pageant,) "let's put our heads together to start a new country up."

anyone who feels confused about the bailout and how we arrived where we are today should read this particular article, as well perhaps as the blog on a regular basis. it is an amazing source of little known information.

be forewarned though, it is a depressing story, filled with deceit, cronyism, criminal behavior, lies and subterfuge.

as i read the piece i realized i know someone who has amassed a fortune gambling, as the article describes, on derivatives. this person has dealt with credit default swaps and as the article describes, i believe they have played both sides as a "protection buyer," and a "protection seller." i see too, how as mortgages default and various entities come to bankrupty, the person i know is protected, as the article explains, by the sheer convoluted and confusing nature of all that has transpired, (relative to any single piece of paper.)

it does make one want to go start a new country up. if only... i remember 1983, or whenever it was, when i first heard the song and i thought the line was so hopeful. it conjured like-minded souls for me, who i might meet some day and run off with to explore the world and start up our own new country as it were.

now i am thinking about how we can't start a new country up. we have a country and while we're in poor shape at the moment, it is up to us to fix it. i think the fixing starts with readnig articles like this one, (and you can also click on my title to link to it,) and becoming educated and self-motivated as it relates to questioning authority and pursuing the insight we need to possess to beat back the wolves who would corrupt our country, society, or system again.

not to cause greater depression but here is another article i read from the same blog. this one talks about how the cia began working out new forms of propaganda on the american people many years ago. (it included this picture, which i thought was priceless since this is certainly how i have always seen ronald reagan in my nightmares.)

the article is titled; "the doors, part one," a reference to blake's, (or huxley's,) doors of perception. it is epic in its proportion and it details a great number of things i knew about but without the level of detail the article provides. i suppose some would read this and think it is science fiction but i freely admit, i believe it.

it's long but check it out and if you have a chance, let me know your thoughts.

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