Friday, October 17, 2008

ian welsh

i have to direct you to this firedoglake blog entry from ian welsh. if you click on his name in the header, you will go to the post.

ian welsh is pointing out that ben bernanke and henry paulson and all the rest are basically screwing us all over. if welsh is correct america will be the land without opportunity for some years to come. those who have administered this economic bailout, have taken great care to ensure those who caused it will not have to pay for the massive amounts of money recently printed by the federal reserve.

the idea seems to be, according to welsh, that the guy's who hold the levers of control are trying to keep things just barely acceotable to the masses so that later as any amount of prosperity returns, it can be gleaned right off the top to pay for the investment that is this printed cash.

it is a great age we live in. the internet affords us a previously unfathomable ability to communicate. so if bernanke and paulson and obama and even krugman, are willing to sell us all down the river by signing off on all this, we are fortunate to have people like ian welsh who blog about it and are able to translate economic facts and theory into layman's terms. hence, why i am sharing this with you.

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