Friday, March 20, 2009

working, not blogging

i apologize the frequency of my blogging has dropped off of late. the heart is willing but the body is subject to time, which has been in demand by my new employer.

seven months to the day after being laid off, i was offered a job. i am not so much ecstatic as content. but content feels great. money has been tight. stress levels have been up. all was not lost as i stayed home with my son mark for several months but it was still a trying time.

my new job is nearly perfect. the commute is reasonable. i like my boss. i like the culture of the organization. it is a small company and things happen there at light speed. i have a great amount of autonomy and already my boss, (the owner of the company,) has shown so much trust in me i have been taken aback. surely it is his way and he trusts his own judgment in hiring me but i once toiled in a place where i had a unique and distinct role in the operation but still was shown far less trust. i have a great team. i have a great feeling about my peers and their objectives and motives. (this last trait is not to be undervalued. it's huge.)

i am so thankful for the social compact we americans participate in and agree to. i appreciate the unemployment insurance that paid my car payment monthly and my daughter's pre-school while my wife's income supported the family otherwise. surely of all the things our taxes go to pay, unemployment insurance is among the most virtuous.

for now i will blog less. i am working long hours and i am thoroughly invested in my new job. my little project for which i had bought a couple of domain names is on hold. one day i will revisit the idea. my wife and kids will get as much as time as ever and it will be of a greater quality but most everything else will probably suffer and after seven long months without gainful employment, my perspective is one of appreciation for what i have and knowing how difficult things can be and are for many of neighbors, family, friends and countrymen.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

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