Sunday, June 14, 2009


When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong. The minority are right. - Eugene V. Debs, 1855 - 1926

i read this quote this morning and was struck by how true it really is. i thought about the grass roots movements of recent history. i thought of the vast majority of proponents of slavery in the american south. i thought of those who believed women belonged in the home, and those who thought there should be two sets of public facilities for first and second class citizens.

20 years ago a majority of americans opposed equal rights in the form of gay marriage. 10 years ago cracks in that facade began to appear. now, from iowa to maine to new york, (and in spite of prop 8 in california,) this breach of civil rights seems ready to crumble soon.

the majority are wrong. they are often wrong. it is encouraging however that the minority leads the way and in time, what is right has been accepted by the masses.

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